COVID-19 Safety Kits
Getting PPE and Vital Health Information into People's Hands
The Health Collaborative launched the COVID-19 Safety Kit program in 2020 at the height of pandemic fear and misinformation in San Antonio.
Safety Kits were developed as a tool to deliver COVID safety information, face masks and hand sanitizer to community members at a time when gatherings and events were not recommended due to high COVID-19 risk. Kits were distributed at bus stations, resource pick-up points and drive-thru events with low or no contact with recipient. Safety Kits include the basics needed to navigate COVID-19 in San Antonio.

COVID-19 Safety Kits are currently available by request in English, Spanish, and Arabic. Pashto kit is in development.

Safety Kits include the basics needed to navigate COVID-19 in San Antonio.
Pictured on right: Community Health Worker, Ernest Baca, hands out COVID-19 home tests and Safety Kits at a food distribution.
To date, over 1,500 COVID-19 Safety Kits have been distributed to residents in San Antonio and surrounding rural counties.

COVID-19 Safety Kit Essentials
Information card

Hand Sanitizer

Health Insurance Information

Protective face masks

N95 Masks

Pathway's to Coverage Information